About Us

Genetic Diagnostic Center is a specialized medical facility centered on clinical genetic services, diagnostic laboratory testing and research. With a focus on compassionate patient care and innovative scientific advancement, here at the Genetic Diagnostic Center, we keep every patient and their families at the forefront of everything we do.
Genetic knowledge is advancing at a rapid pace, and Genetic Diagnostic Center is proud to be the forefront of clinical care and genetic testing. Our consultants provide compassionate, up-to-date care and the latest in diagnostic testing advances. Our laboratory team are constantly adding new technologies and improving testing methodologies, collaborating with clinicians, as well as with colleagues around the world, to achieve significant advances in identifying causative genes, understanding disease mechanisms, and prevention strategies for many genetic diseases.
Genetic Testing For Every Specialty
Our Blogs
Premarital Screening
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Achieving Better Health Through Your DNA
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Every Mom’s Guide to Prenatal Testing
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